Sample quiz on equations of altitudes
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  1. In a $\triangle ABC$, an altitude from vertex $A$ is $\cdots$?
    a line from $A$ that bisects side $BC$ at $45^{\circ}$
    a line from $A$ that meets side $BC$ at $90^{\circ}$
    a line from $A$ that bisects side $BC$ at $90^{\circ}$
    a line from $A$ to the midpoint of side $BC$.
  2. The point of intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle is known as $\cdots$?
  3. If a triangle contains an obtuse angle, how many of its altitudes are external (outside the triangle)?
  4. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(1,2),~B(2,1),~C(3,3)$, find the equation of the altitude from $A$.
  5. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(1,2),~B(2,1),~C(3,3)$, find the equation of the altitude from $B$.
  6. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(1,2),~B(2,1),~C(3,3)$, find the equation of the altitude from $C$.
  7. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(1,2),~B(2,1),~C(3,3)$, find the (coordinates of the) foot of the altitude from $C$.
  8. Find the orthocenter of $\triangle ABC$ whose vertices are located at $A(1,2),~(2,1),~C(3,3)$.
  9. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(0,0),~B(1,4),~C(3,6)$, find the equation of the altitude from $A$.
  10. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(0,0),~B(1,4),~C(3,6)$, find the equation of the altitude from $B$.
  11. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(0,0),~B(1,4),~C(3,6)$, find the equation of the altitude from $C$.
  12. Find the orthocenter of $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(0,0),~B(1,4),~C(3,6)$.
  13. Consider $\triangle ABC$ in which $\angle C=90^{\circ}$. This triangle's orthocenter is located at $\cdots$?
  14. Find the distance between the centroid and the foot of the altitude from $C$, given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(1,2),~B(2,1),~C(3,3)$.
  15. Given $\triangle ABC$ with vertices at $A(0,0),~B(1,4),~C(3,6)$, find the LENGTH of the altitude from $A$.