Sample quiz on expanding binomials
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  1. Expand $(x+1)(x+2)$
  2. Expand $(x-1)(x+2)$
  3. Expand $(2x+1)(x+2)$
  4. Expand $(3x+1)(x+3)$.
  5. Expand $(x-2)(x+2)$
  6. Expand $(3x+2)(2x+3)$
  7. Expand $(3x-5)(7x+4)$.
  8. Expand $(2x-1)(2x-1)$.
  9. Expand $(3x-y)(2x+5y)$.
  10. Expand $(x-3y)(4x+7y)$.
  11. Expand $-3(2x-1)(2x+1)$.
  12. Expand $7(3x+2)(2x-1)$.
  13. Expand and simplify: $(2x-1)(2x-1)-(1+2x)(1+2x)$.
  14. Expand and simplify: $3(3x-1)(4x-1)+4(5x-1)(6x-1)$.
  15. Expand and simplify: $7(4x+3)(2x-1)-5(x+2)(x+3)$.
  16. Expand and simplify: $4(2x+1)(2x-1)+2(4x-1)(4x+1)$.
  17. Which of the following results from a product of the form $\boxed{(ax+b)^2}$?
  18. Which of the following results from a product of the form $\boxed{(ax-b)(ax+b)}$?
  19. Expand and simplify: $-9(2x-1)(2x-1)-5(3x+2)(x-4)$.
  20. If $(2x+5)(3x-1)$ is expanded in the form $ax^2+bx+c$, determine the values of $a,b,c$.