Sample quiz on isolating variables
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  1. The area of a triangle can be given by $A=\frac{bh}{2}$. Isolate $b$ from the equation.
  2. The equation of a line can be given by $y=mx+b$. Rearrange the equation to isolate $b$.
  3. The perimeter of a rectangle can be given by $P=2(l+w)$. Isolate $l$ from the equation.
  4. The circumference of a circle can be given by $C=2\pi r$. Isolate $r$ from the equation.
  5. The perimeter of a square can be given by $P=4l$. Isolate $l$ from the equation.
  6. The area of a trapezoid can be given by $A=\frac{(a+b)h}{2}$. Isolate $h$ from the equation.
  7. If $A=\frac{(a+b)h}{2}$, express $a$ in terms of $A,b,h$.
  8. If $v=u+at$, express $t$ in terms of $v,u,a$.
  9. In a simple interest, we have $A=P+Prt$. Isolate $r$ from the equation.
  10. The speed of light $c$ can be given by $c=\eta v$. Isolate $\eta$ from the equation.